"Top SDGs"


In 2022, the UN supported a comprehensive legal review of climate change adaptation policies in Azerbaijan; introduction of the Climate Change Vulnerability Index; Government efforts to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy; the disposal of persistent organic pollutants, and the safeguarding of 160 tons of obsolete pesticides; development and adoption of guidelines on emissions production and gender equality in energy policies; and an assessment and recommendations on water management in the Kura River area.

“Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development” and the “Strategy of Socio-Economic Development in 2022-2026” identified a clean environment and country of “green growth” as one of the five priority  directions of the country’s development through 2030. The country has updated its environmental legislation by adopting several new laws and amending existing legislation on energy resources and energy efficiency. Despite these, there is still significant  room for improvement to address climate change and  environmental sustainability. A World Bank climate risk  analysis for Azerbaijan indicated that temperatures are  projected to rise faster than the global average, which will amplify the impacts on human health, livelihoods, and ecosystems in the country, affecting poorer communities. The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) assessing  global performance on climate change, environmental health, and ecosystem vitality ranks Azerbaijan 104 out 180 countries. The UN continued working with the Government and national partners to address these challenges. 

Legal review of climate change adaptation policies carried out

The Climate Change Vulnerability Index was introduced

Gap analysis on current energy-efficiency standards in buildings conducted


tons of obsolete pesticides were safeguarded


Guidelines on emission production for the energy and industry sectors introduced

Kura river hydrogeological assessment on salinization conducted

Contributing Agencies:

The Food and Agriculture Organization
The UN Migration Agency
The United Nations Development Programme
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
The United Nations Children's Fund
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization
The World Health Organization

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