In 2022, the UN supported preparations on data collection for the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS); completion of an analysis of child poverty in the country; and an assessment on social protection mechanisms, which will be used in adapting systems to shocks.

While statistical performance index for Azerbaijan stood at 68.1 (out of 100) with 7% of data missing (2019), SDG data availability has improved since then. The recent UNESCAP dashboard shows that out of total 247 global SDG indicators, on 140 there is sufficient data, on 33 there is insufficient data and on 74 SDG indicators there is no data available. The UN continued to strengthen institutional capacities to improve monitoring, reporting, and data availability on the SDGs to inform evidence-based policies and decision-making.

Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) kicked off which will make data available on 21 SDG indicators

Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis (MODA) completed providing quality data on child poverty in the country

Assessment on shock-responsive social protection (SRSP) mechanisms carried out

Account Settings

System of Health Accounts was introduced on health care costs

Contributing Agencies:

Food and Agriculture Organization
United Nations Population Fund
International Organization for Migration
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
The United Nations Children's Fund
World Health Organization